Business Type : | Broker |
Specialisation, Focus : | Residential Property |
Houses, Cottages, Cabanas | |
Web : | |
Address : | Hlavna 888 |
Podbiel | |
1160 Austria | |
Tel. | 0043682 |
Contact Person : | Marketing | Mr. Ing. Ludovit Elias |
Communication in : | Slovak, English | |
Datum Last Edit | Sector | |||
20.08.2021 | 19.09.2021 | (Non) Residential | Flats | | 3,5 Rooms | edit / delete |
20.06.2021 | 07.08.2021 | (Non) Residential | Bungalow | | Bungalow, 4 Rooms | edit / delete |
25.05.2021 | Job & Career | Care, Healthcare | | Care (only Care) | edit / delete |
The content of this website is protected under copyright and other laws.
The informations, data and services available on this website are provided only to customers and seekers seeking opportunities and informations in category like "Your PR" & another categories in ther future.The informations, data and services available on this website are provided for the sole purpose of individuals looking for employment opportunities and career information and for the sole purpose of employers seeking to recruit staff.
Any other public or commercial use is prohibited. To set a link to this website prior written consent is necessary.
All Rights ReservedCopyright © 2024
1. Mayday-Mayday is online service provider, providing online services to you, when you sign in to to make the registration in order to create your own account to do advertising(s) for purporse to introduce yourself or in order to find some custormer (s).
2. Mayday-Mayday provides actual advertisings, like “Your PR” and “Event Promotion”.
3. Our services are provided in english language.
4. Our customers (users) are international - people from whole world.
5. The customers (users) of Mayday-Mayday pay for services : - to make advertising(s) - to find some custormer(s) - to take contact with advertiser (s) - to get contact info - to open gallery photos - to send copy application - to use apply application & more
6. Advertisers or Contact Persons are PR providers, PR managers, employers, employees, agencies, companies, HR, privates, owners and others.
7. Advertiser can be different from Contact Person. For example : Advertiser : PR manager Contact Person : Owner
8. With the registration of advertising you give us access to all your data, information and sensitive data (credit card nr. , identification nr.)
9. With the registration of advertising you agree - to be bound by Terms of Use (Term & Conditions - Privacy, Policy, Security - Cookies). - to the collection of all your personal & sensitive data (credit card nr., identification nr.) for use and make your advertisings available.
10. We collect, use and discloses personal informations, sensitive data, identifications data about you for the purpose of operating and providing the services known (only) to the advertisers of the
11. For purposes of operating the Mayday-Mayday services are necessary all these data: - Registration data - Sign in data - Advertising data - Contact data (name, e-mail address, identifications data) - Price Selection data - Payment data to use all our service applications
Our Rules - you must be a "natural person" (any robot, program, software, etc.). - you must be min.16 years - your account you have to verify by your email address - to get all our service applications you need Visa Card, PayPal, Wise - the duration of your advertising depends on your decision to delete it or not - the duration of your advertising you should control by yourself, we also send the notice 3 days before the expiration - the duration of your advertising endet first day of expiration of payment, automaticaly deletet from us
1. To create your profile you need to provide some personal data + contacts data + sensitive data.
2. Mayday-Mayday online PR Provider is bound by the Privacy Law and respects each individual’s right to / of personal privacy.
3. Share : Adverting to share help to find, what you or other users are looking for (clients, goods)
4. Send to : Advertising to send help to find, what you or other users are looking for (clients, goods), or it can be your interesting in actual offers of. We are responsible for this realisation of sending your advertising, but not for the sending text content (text message).
5. Generally, we use your data only to an extent that is necessary to provide our services between advertiser & client.
6. The goal of our security policy is to inform you of the kind of information we receive from you and for what purpose we use it.
7. All data, informations, personal data and sensitive data (credit card nr., , identification nr.) you entrust to us: - is safe with us, we do not sold, trade, use to share unauthorized - we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL) - we use an encryption methods, implemented technology, security policies, rule and other measures (against unwanted access).
8. We process your data for the time of your existence and activity by
The Responsibility
We are responsible: - to respect each individual’s right to personal privacy - to use all methods to protect your data - to provide advertising’s data between advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - to provide all our service application’s functions after getting payment
We are not responsible: - for advertising’s content - for sharing of advertising’s content - for sending copy of advertising’s content - for taking a contact with advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - for the meeting with advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - for keeping your personal information to secure in front advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - to make sure if your personal details are correct
You are responsible: - for advertising’s content - for sharing of advertising’s content - for sending copy of advertising’s content - for taking a contact with advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - for the meeting with advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - for keeping your personal information to secure in front advertisers and users of Mayday-Mayday - to make sure if your personal details are correct
To take note of
Despite we encrypt informations, we use mechanisms, encryption methods, implemented technology and and and to protect the security and integrity of your personal information, unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as completely secure.
- Cookies are small files / pieces of software information stored by browsers (e.g., Mozilla, Internet Explorer) on the user's computer hard disk.
- They make it possible to store specific device-related information on users' access devices (PCs, smart-phones, etc.).
- Cookies are completely anonymous and do not contain personal data.
- Mayday-Mayday can use cookies in order to constantly improve the web presence for users.
- Mayday-Mayday will never spyware or similar devices install to used to access data and information stored on the computer.
- Users can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option to restrict or completely prevent the storage of cookies.
- Websites mainly use cookies to: - to identify users - to remember users' custom preferences - to help users complete tasks without having to re enter information when browsing from one page to another or when visiting the site later
- More Info about cookies you can find: - - -